Summer has been treating us well as of late. Creativity flowing, cool breezes to allow for some knits (been craving it), and quality time with Grace. It was such a nice laidback weekend—caught up on Bear, a day trip to Berkeley, and today we are going to grill burgers and meal prep for the week.
Planning on a super active, healthy, and inspiration-filled week ahead. Mindful morning routine—early rise for morning pages or a meditation and warm lemon water followed by green juice. Pilates or a nature run each day. Epsom baths. Early evenings and reading before bed. I've been feeling like I need to reprioritize these kinds of healthy and nutritious rituals. Excited for some TLC to come!
Some photos from lately...

Gigi Hadid's beautiful brand, Guest in Residence, just released their fall collection and it's so fun. I was so excited to receive a note from them, asking if I would like to select something. I was between a couple of things but ultimately chose this stunning knit—which happens to be my favorite color of the year. I hadn't tried anything from the label before now but am a new very big fan. The attention to detail and craftsmanship is incredible. A very special piece that I will live in and have for a very long time. I also love this, this and this! I'm going to ask them if they'd be open to offering my readers a code but for the time being it looks like you can get 10% off your order when you sign up for their newsletter on their site! x
“This collection is meant to evoke warm memories of winter family vacations and the feeling of escapism that comes with them. The designs are inspired by colorful train and bus seats from past adventures, that rad plaid shirt your dad gave you on a camping trip, and that cozy sweater your mom rocked on the slopes… Those off-duty moments when you felt warm, safe, and happy while surrounded by loved ones in nature.” —Gigi Hadid

I always enjoy my work... but I do go through waves where I am feeling like I am swimming upstream, which can be tiring. Felt this way for most of the year... but recently have felt a pivot. I LOVE when I am in flows of creativity, thinking up so many things and more importantly so motivated and inspired to bring ideas to life. The hopping out of bed super early because as soon as you slightly wake up your mind is excited to get to work... love that.
Details of my office here

I love afternoons spent in Berkeley. Love Rose Pizzeria! We bounced around a few favorites in the area and it inspired me to plan another day here next week with a girlfriend.

Photo a la Grace. The colors in this shot made me happy! Wearing this knit and bag.
AshleyK15 for a discount on any Jenni Kayne orders you make!

Entry feeling end of summer / autumnal!

I love the view from our mudroom into the house.

I love this view, too! I don't stand over here very often so had to snap a photo when I did!

I am obsessed with this Ralph Lauren jacket. I have an Isabel Marant one with a similar vibe... I bought it long ago when wanting to find something aviator-y. I love this one more so think I will sell the Isabel now! Every so often you come across something similar to what you already have but it's even better, so a swap is the way to go.

Baking cookies with G! I got a lot of questions about this vase, it was a vintage Etsy find! A very ballsy purchase, so glad it didn't shatter in transit...

I've stuck with my slower summer goals. Enjoying these moments and memories with our girl. I snapped this awhile ago on my camera and just recently found it! I need to leave my camera out more... framer!

We've got a live one!

Hope you've had a beautiful weekend!
Speak soon,