Quiet the mind and the soul will speak

Vince dress
Anine Bing blazer

Sometimes all it takes is some quiet time (in my case being sick in bed) to have an epiphany.

The social media landscape can be a confusing place to navigate sometimes. It’s gotten the best of me more than I like to admit. It’s always changing, and therefore, I have found myself questioning changing things up too. This summer is a good example. I have felt such a change within myself over the last couple of years, and thought maybe it was time to dabble in a new direction with parts of my work. I made a pivot to try and focus on the quick/easy real-time iPhone photos. I felt like that’s the direction this app is going, so let’s just go with it.

I do admire those who utilize social this way, as it’s a little more effortless. Always appreciate effortlessness! But somewhere along the line, something wasn’t right. This week while sick and feeling blue, I felt the urge to fall into my favorite rabbit hole, Tumblr, to bring some inspiration to my day. After 20 minutes, I had saved so many captivating photographs that brought me back to life. I want to contribute creatively this way.

Since as far as I can remember, truly first memories of my life, photography has brought me so much joy and inspiration. It’s definitely why I am still here online today. I live for a good capture. I love the way a still image can make you feel. How it can tell a story. It’s magic in my eyes! And what is my blog and work for, if not something that inspires me at the end of the day? That’s the whole point of it, after all.

While I am not a model or a master at the craft of photography—or thoroughly love standing in front of the lens(!)—it’s the process, the experimenting, the learning, the editing, and the final product that is rewarding to me. It’s a craft that challenges me and keeps me going.

I’m so very happy I found the answers I had been looking for and excited to get back to creating work that fills up my cup! Funny how all I really needed was to answer this question: what really inspires me?! x


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