I will forever love a blank canvas. But there are occasions when they arrive at the most ideal time…
So thrilled for a new year and a fresh perspective. I am feeling quite inspired these days—and excited to take my blank canvas and turn it into my version of a work of art. That’s what I believe life is all about. Creating a world that is true to you and soul-stirring.
Finding purpose and meaning in our daily life routines, bringing ideas and visions to life, and simply doing things that make us happy and fill up our cups. A new year is the perfect time to have a self check-in and realign with our “why” and what makes us tick!
At the end of the day, life is about enjoyment. As I get older, I’m learning how important this is to remember. Sometimes things can get heavy and we continue to carry that weight on our shoulders. I tried this little exercise recently and it made such an impact on me. Take a deep breath, lift your shoulders up to your ears for a second, and then exhale and release them back down. Doing this for the first time was a reminder that we have the power to change something in a moments time if we really want to. So I choose to feel light and happy. Our time here is limited, so what’s the point in living any other way?
This month is always slow and steady. Easing our way back in! Little by little we plan, ideate, daydream, realign. There is so much hope, potential, and enlightenment in these rituals! I love looking at January as a month of self-care, creative nurturing, and personal reinventing… here’s what I will be up to:
long walks
a body burn at pilates on a cold rainy day
immersing back into old favorite inspiring podcast episodes
books that motivate and inspire
lots of cooking—soup, to be specific!
cozy date nights
creating a design plan for our kitchen
catching up on design magazines with coffee
hot epsom baths
dry brushing and LED face mask-ing
lots of hot tea
and journaling.
So happy to be in this next chapter of life—to a new one around the sun…
Saved things this week…
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