Editor’s Note, 4.24

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Palm Royale (and I can't get enough!) Kristen Wiig is one of my very favorites and the sets, story, cast, costumes, everything... 10/10 my kind of television. I also just started watching The Many Lives of Martha.


Revisiting 'Evergreen' and just ordered 'A Path with Heart', a recommendation that sounds up my street by this Substack I follow. 

Listening to

Really into listening to oldies as of late — I have a lot of go-to's when in the mood saved to Grace's playlist. One of my very favorites is Bad Moon Rising (which is G's fave right now, too!).

Fashionably late — but happy April! Life at home has been pretty surreal lately. After *fully* wrapping up the renovation on 3/22, I spent all last week savoring it all, getting to know home, resting/recouping, and allowed a very long time manifestation to soak in. Grateful to be able to experience Spring, my very favorite season, from a whole new perspective.

I'm looking forward to capturing our house and documenting images here — as I am so proud of how everything shaped up! I envision so many beautiful sunny warm days with the french doors swung open, music playing, making meals from our kitchen garden, and just relishing the warm months ahead.

Yesterday, I picked up Grace from preschool and upon arrival home, went into the backyard to play with her bubble wand (her favorite hobby lately). I sat there watching the bubbles float around our yard and her smiling face and felt so grateful for my life. She brings on this feeling a lot. I've been in awe witnessing this age—how pure, innately funny, genuine, and precious she is. I've realized that truly nothing makes me happier than her happiness.

It is infectious and the most beautiful thing I have experienced. I know that pool days (we joined a pool club close by!), backyard hangs, and all the fun spring and summer holidays and birthdays to come are going to be so much more fun with her this year.

April — hope and new beginnings

If you happen to be into Human Design (love this app / book) or your astrology birth chart — you've probably noticed there seems to be quite a theme happening lately. I'm not the one to break it down for you as I am learning all this stuff, myself, but lots of talk around shedding layers. Simplifying. Zooming in on the things in life that uplifts and enhances... and letting go of the rest. Fast-tracking to a new version of ourselves that we need to step into. Taking ownership of how we spend our time, what content and information we consume, and curating our daily lives to ensure we are going about the world intentionally. Listen to this pod episode if you're interested in hearing more of this subject (spoken much more knowledgeably haha!).

If you've read this blog for a long time, you know I am here for the ride! 

Plans & Rituals

April has become a fun time for me as a gardener. Lots of planting and prepping in my spare time. Working with the forecast (a major perk to all the rain!) and planting things before you know a little storm is coming in. I think it's so important that we all have meditative-type "in the zone" hobbies, and this is definitely one of mine. Incredibly therapeutic and just as much rewarding. 

Easing back into cooking, too! I feel a little rusty, I'm not gonna lie! So taking this weekend to dive back into cookbooks and get the creative wheels spinning again in the kitchen. 

I really missed my quiet mornings, so have been blissed out waking up to make a tea or matcha and sit by the fire before Grace wakes up. She's been waking up at 5am everyday this past week... so this ritual is on pause, but it's the best when I can swing it! 

Savoring the season

April is the month when I force myself out into nature as much as I possibly can. So inspiring to see everything blooming and thriving once again. I feel like there are a few months in the year where our senses grow heightened, and April is definitely one of them! Some things I love and look forward to this April—

the shift to iced teas and coffees
windows open
outdoor entertaining
planting our garden
stashing away my winter clothes
the scent in the air
the energy and excitement that spring brings
spring candles
long warm walks
pool days with with family
& many memories to be made at home. 


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