I’m always game for a blank canvas and starting anew. Even though the date doesn’t change much, the feeling of freshness and opportunity excites me. I hope you had an amazing holiday break and are enjoying the beginning of your own clean slate. I am starting to feel like I am on an endless holiday–New years came and went, and we head off for a week trip starting on Monday. Never ending in a good sense, just trying to fully enjoy, guilt-free of taking a little more time off. 🙂
My mind right now is dreaming up turquoise-tinged beach views, easy breezy days, and catching up on some reading. January for me is all about easing in and enjoying said fresh beginning, so I plan to do just that. I am so looking forward to immersing myself into some warm weather and sunshine and soak up our first vacation of the year before heading back into hustle mode.
Since we’re talking about January here on the first Mood of the year, I thought I would list out a few of my intentions/resolutions…
Matt and Scout before anything else, always
self-care, every single day
focus on the present moment and one thing at a time
try new healthy recipes weekly (wedding diet…)
continue to better my photography skills
create more, consume less
more weekly pilates classes and morning runs
continue to practice self-compassion
rediscover San Francisco again with fresh eyes
save no space for negativity
make myself proud at the end of each day, even just tiny accomplishments
I always say this, but read more books…
marry my dream man.
Here’s to another one around the sun, cheers friend! x