I remember someone telling me while I was pregnant on the subject of life with an infant: when in doubt, bath or get outdoors. This is so true! Our walks and backyard hangs cured a lot of tough moments last week!
Wearing my favorite coat from Totême and Isabel Marant hat.
I have always loved and been so Inspired by flash photography. It’s honestly my favorite kind of photos to shoot. I love how you never know exactly how it’ll turn out—how the flash will work with the colors, shadows, reflections… I love the way the light makes glass pieces sparkle. It’s just magic.
Little lamps, how I love you. A reader said “those lamps are working overtime and I love it” — couldn’t agree more, they are just bouncing around my house trying to find the perfect home. Those are the best kind of home investments, the ones you have an internal fight over where to put them because you love them so much and think they’d look great everywhere!
Morning G cuddles are my favorite. Her cheeky grin with the binky KILLS ME.
A very favorite antique mirror. Looked so beautiful this weekend when our hallway was lit up by afternoon light, had to snap this photo.
It was so beautiful on Friday afternoon (yes, was a sweats kind of day) so I had lunch with Scout in our courtyard. Also living in my Jenni Kayne moccasins, they’re so comfy and lovely. (AshleyK15 to use, as always!) x
These two.
I mentioned recently, but this camellia that came alive recently makes me so happy. My perfect plant: greenery with a white playful petals…
On Thursday night I went into the city for dinner with girlfriends to kick off the holiday season. I missed Wayfare Tavern, it had been too long! It was my first SF love… especially this time of year, it’s so festive and fun. Matt and I have recently decided we need to be more proactive about plans with each other and friends. In pandemic life, things can become so monotonous, but having these kinds of outings refills your cup and you walk back into your routine with a pep in your step…
I bought this cute little scalloped planter on Etsy and have it on our stone coffee table in the backyard. I realized this weekend it makes for such a good wine chiller as well! I love when these kinds of revelations happen naturally and just work/make sense!
So, last year, I remember seeing a tiktok of someone assembling their lights vertically. Allegedly was easier/faster and so I decided to give it a try. I will let you in on a little secret: DON’T DO IT!!! Remember when I said we had to start over because of lighting issues, haha. It looked f-ing ridiculous. I wasn’t about to go through with Grace’s first Christmas and a tiktok tree… moral of the story: don’t listen to tiktok. xx