Allow me to reintroduce myself

I had this idea pop up recently after a few people sent me notes mentioning they were new to follow along. I thought about how it had been quite a long time since I opened up about myself. I thought it would be fun to dedicate a week to giving those who are unfamiliar with me and my work a taste of what to expect if they decide to stick around.

I was on a call with a friend (who is also a new mom) this week, brainstorming and chatting, and I told her about this idea. I said—I’m going to call it “allow me to reintroduce myself”, and her reaction sparked an epiphany. She said—”ah, it’s so true!”. I realized in that moment how she took it, and after thinking about it a bit more, realized it is the answer that I have been looking for lately. I am a new person and quite honestly, I am still figuring out what that means. I wanted to share this, because we all go through big changes in our lives and it’s normal to feel lost in those pivotal points of time. It doesn’t have to be scary, though, it can be exciting. I am in the thick of it right now, coming out of a year of juggling and giving 50% of myself to all the things I love in my life. I am finding my way back home.

I’ve been easing back into normal programing of daily life and work, and taking note of what is making me tick these days, and what might not be serving me anymore. I am still on a path of discovery, and very much looking forward to seeing what unfolds.

in the meantime, a little about me!

I’m 34 years old. I am a new mom, wife, creative-being who has looked to this kind of outlet for most of my life as a way to fill up my cup and to express myself. I am most inspired by European way of life, traveling, interior design, natural light, writing, attention to detail, and photography. I have been married to my husband, Matt, for 3 years — we met almost 9 years ago in the city. We brought Scout, our labradoodle, into our lives 6 years ago, and Grace, our Daughter, was born last summer in June 2021.

I am a pisces to an absolute t. My eyes are perpetually seeking out beauty. I’m inspired by the European way of life. I just started therapy for the first time in my life. I’ve learned that motherhood cracks you wide open, and that self-care is essential to showing up as the person I want to be for my family.

My favorite food is Italian. I’m a collector of design books, antique vases and lighting, and matchbooks (I started to design them myself). My favorite book is The Great Gatsby. I am an introvert.

I love connecting with my readers, and feel like I have such a special and rare community—full of kindred spirits who live for the feeling of being inspired as much as I do. I shared a longer post on my background and path in case you’re interested in reading more about that…

notes on navigating my website

These are the main pillars of my blog, in no particular order…


Each week I will share something that recently impacted me greatly. Quotes, podcast episodes, books, a lesson I learned, etc.

Home Design

Home updates and little roundups here and there. I save a lot of the heartier interior design chats with my Studio community, but there will be posts to come here as well. One of my longest loves in life and a hobby that will always light me up.


Recipes have been peppered into the pages of my blog, but this is going to be a little more meaty going forward — puns intended 🙂


I have always loved fashion, one of my first interests and inspirations in my younger years. I was a stylist in my early twenties and since I loved that role, it’s something I have kept with me and enjoy sharing my style perspectives and finds with you! I believe in curating a wardrobe that you love and that brings you confidence and happiness.


Next spring I am planning a big garden upgrade — raised beds for lots of veggies and herbs. I want to be able to use my own produce as much as I can, so this vertical will continue to evolve as I learn!


New to the game but a massive part of who I am now. I’m excited to open up about it all with time and when the mood strikes.


Love to share my seasonal favorites and routines with you. I often rotate and switch things up to keep my skin happy and healthy. More of this to come as I had taken a bit of a hiatus on this subject through pregnancy and postpartum.

Have a browse through my menu as it’s pretty straight forward 🙂

a few more things to know…

〰️ I have a Spotify library here—my husband and I are music-enthusiasts and love curating playlists. Our wedding weekend playlists are the most loved and listened to from this community, which makes me happy. We spent a lot of time on them! I also am obsessed with the “while I cook” playlist. Such a vibe. And of Course Nancy Meyers.

〰️ I confess I have been lazy over the years with keeping my LTK up to date but I am spending more time as I know so many of you utilize this app and it is such a great resource / little library of links that is helpful in finding things.

〰️ I update my shop pages regularly as well on my blog — and also keep note of items on my Pinterest boards as well!

〰️ There are a couple long standing codes I have with a couple of brands I love for you to use as you please, and I update this page with a few select others who I am either working with you the brand kindly offered a discount for my readers. You can always find these under ‘shop’ and then ‘codes’!

I think that’s it for now! Thanks for stopping by, happy to have you here! x

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