June Mood ’18

June always gives me such a happy buzz. Longer, warmer days. Barefoot backyard hangs. Homemade lemonade. Light layers. Sunkissed skin. Salty hair. Ice cold cocktails. Oceanside-inspired playlist. Sitting under the sun with no plans but a good book…

Alas, June has rolled in and with it comes blue skies and a promise of summer on the horizon. I can’t even express my excitement about the current forecast. All sun and 70–you are a sight for sore eyes (and cheeks!). Especially being cooped up the past few days in bed recovering from my wisdom teeth coming out. The sun and I are going to have some quality time today!

I feel like this past month’s theme for me, was planning. Wedding stuff, a few upcoming trips and itineraries (Tahoe, Seattle, Santa Barbara, St. Helena), and inspiration hunting for upcoming posts. I am so excited for the next few months– family time, celebrating Matt and Scout’s birthdays, exploring a new city, seeing one of my best friends get married. Now that all the flights have been booked and agendas have been sorted–we can sit back, relax, and enjoy every second. That’s what summer is all about…

Summer Wish List Kick Off


Happy June! x
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