Editor’s Note, 5.20

Do the things that feed your soul. Get creative, brush up on a favorite hobby, challenge yourself in new ways. This month in my eyes is all about pushing the boundaries and growing.

Hi! Happy May! As we enter into another month of quarantine, I am giving myself the encouragement I need by going out of my way to grow, even though life as we know it has in a sense, pushed the pause button. I have had many ups and downs through all of this, it’s not an easy feat to stay inspired, motivated, and positive at all times–but we’re all in this together and doing our best! That’s what I continue to remind myself…we’ve got this.

One thing for certain is that when I am learning new things and experimenting, I feel empowered. I personally need a sense of accomplishment through these times and I am planning to look to mastering a few new recipes, starting a little herb garden, and working on my photography skills. Make a little list of things you want to do and truly go for them wholeheartedly!

Inspired by

So I have been spending a lot of time on Pinterest collecting styling ideas and I was reminded of my love of Tamsin Johnson, my favorite interior designer. This morning as I put my mood board together, I stumbled upon her site again and was mindblown! First of all, I wrote this post on her work exactly 2 years ago from today, which was also a funny coincidence! I went back to her website and was stunned by some findings. I have most certainly been influenced by her style, subconsciously in a lot of ways, too! The way she injects wicker pieces and pressed glass, Murano, and plaster lights into almost all of her projects. Things I hadn’t fully noticed when I first discovered her work. It was such a funny realization as I scrolled! So anyways, forever inspired by her. So much charm!

I also love a fresh start as you probably know by now and I am very excited to make the very best of May. This week wasn’t my favorite but I am turning it around right now! I promise to show up as my best self every day.

A few things from the past to revisit

I updated my shop directory (which can be found in my ‘The Shop’ dropdown on my menu)! I included a few curated shops as well as a grand list of all of my favorite style and home resources!

I plan to read a bit more so I will be revisiting this roundup of reader recommended books.

Very into summery cocktails since our Hugo Spritz-ing lately and plan to make my elderflower Paloma this weekend!

May agenda

Lots of recipe testing, reading, immersing myself into photography, being active every day, enjoying design books and magazines with vino (just subscribed to a bunch, post coming soon!), sunshine walks and roof hangs, and getting creative with weekend plans. I have found that it’s so important to continue to have some routine and structure, and things to look forward to!

A few happy purchases lately

Keep smiling and seeing the light each and every day. Have a great month ahead, friend! xx
Images collected via Tumblr


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